måndag 7 november 2016

English 03C - weeks 45-46

Rescue dogs

Make a keynote about one type of rescue dogs:
·             Detector dogs
·             Avalanche rescue dogs
·             Guide dogs
·             Sea rescue dogs
·             Police dogs
·             Dogs in schools helping kids to read
·             Dogs in hospitals/with old people
·             ?

Find facts about the dogs:

HOW do they work?
WHERE do they work?
WHAT type of dog can become this?
How long is their training to become this type of rescue dog?
Are there any risks?
Do they have/carry any special equipment?
Find a picture/pictures.


Work with your tablepartner.

Search for ”räddningshundar” in Swedish + search at Youtube
Prepare to tell the class.

Time: 2 lessons – Tuesday + Thursday week 45
Presentations on Tuesday w. 46
Thursday w. 46 Try to learn all the words but at least 20!
Have written all the words neatly in two columns in your writingbook.

Oral check-up – explain the words in English.

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