tisdag 13 juni 2017

English 03C - Evaluation of grade 7

BoT – June 13, 2017

Evaluation of this spring term and the whole year of English in grade 7.

Autumn term – a lot of focus on talking
Spring term – a lot of focus on irregular verbs and writing

1. Good things about this term/this year:

2. Bad things about this term/this year:

3. What do you think about the digital book Happy 7 and the exercises?

4. What about your own effort this term? This year?

5. What do you need to improve in English?

6. Is there anything you would like to do next term, in grade 8?

7. Anything you want to say to me, any advice to me, being the teacher?

Write as much as you can but you must finish this lesson and hand in your book.
Do your best!/Ingela

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