fredag 15 mars 2019

English 03B: Homework for Friday week 12 (March 22)

You need to have READ chapter 3  in The Kite Runner and be ready to discuss the three questions.

EVERYONE also needs to know the following 10 WORDS  from The Kite Runner chapter 3 and be able to:

* translate them from English to Swedish and from Swedish to English
* understand their  dictionary explanations in English and match with the correct word
* put them into a gap text in the correct place. 

to exaggerate = att överdriva, to brag = att skryta, hurricane = orkan, to beg for mercy = be om nåd/förlåtelse, orphanage = barnhem, to refuse = att vägra/neka, plumber = rörmokare, main entrance = huvudentré, merchant = köpman/affärsman, pharmacy = apotek

* Those of you who are aiming for the higher grades (A or B) should
ALSO learn the following five words from chapter 3:
to dismiss someone or something = avskeda, avvisa, avfärda
apt = lämplig, träffande
descendant = ättling, avkomma
opponent = motståndare, motspelare
to be in awe of someone / to stand in awe of someone = ha djup respekt
/vördnad/fruktan för, bli imponerad av
(this is linked to the word awesome, which originally meant someone/something inspiring awe)

Good luck! Anna

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