måndag 9 oktober 2017

English 03C - weeks 41 - 43

Three weeks to go before the autumn break! Jippi!

This week, week 41, there is no English and no school on Wednesday, but if you haven't finished your third Fakebook text "A Perfect Party" you have homework for Thursday week 41! See classroom!

On Thursday week 41 we will read and listen to some Fakebook no 2 texts. Be prepared and make sure you have corrected your mistakes!

We will also start working with irregular verbs again and some more grammar!
So homework för Thursday week 42 is irregular verbs no 1. 

Make sur you have filled in all the forms and translated the sentences for Wednesday week 42, when we correct together in class.

On Wednesday week 43 it's time to show me that you can write really well  after having practiced with 3 Fakebook texts.  During this long lesson you will get a task about the text "The Trick That Went Wrong" so revise the text if you have forgotten it. You will ONLY get this lesson for writing this task and you write by hand.

Do your best!/Ingela

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