fredag 29 mars 2019

ENG 03B: Homework for Friday week 14 (April 5)

20 words from The Kite Runner chapter 4. They are in the document The Kite Runner part 2 on Classroom.

måndag 25 mars 2019

Idrott tisdag 26/3

Hej alla i åk 9,

Tänk på att ta med er iPad till tisdagens idrottslektion. Ni ska ju spela in podcasts om positiva hälsoeffekter av styrketräning under lektionen. Se även till så att ni har appen Garage Band på era iPads så att ni kan spela in era diskussioner och sedan dela med mig.

Ni ska även ha med er ombyte till lektionen.


söndag 24 mars 2019

Franska 9 ABC - vecka 13

Bonsoir à tous,

Pour jeudi semaine 13 vous allez savoir des mots pour le texte "Le Blogue de Sabir Békkali".
Le texte page 20 - 21. Écoutez le texte et essayez de comprendre tout.

Ici il y a un lien à Quizlet pour pratiquer les mots:

Vous trouvez aussi les mots sur Classroom.

Bon courage!/Ingela

måndag 18 mars 2019

English wordtest 03 A

Homework for Thursday week 13

Your homework is to learn the following WORDS from The Kite Runner and be able to:

* translate them from English to Swedish and from Swedish to English
understand their dictionary explanations in English from either Merriam Webster's Dictionary or Oxford Learner's Dictionary, and match with the correct word
Explain in your own words different concepts discussed in class.


frigid - very cold in temperature- kallt

Alley- A narrow passageway between or behind buildings.

overcast -  (of the sky or weather) marked by a covering of grey cloud.- molntäckt, mulen

creek - a narrow, sheltered waterway. - bäck

soar - fly or rise high in the air. -flyga

afterthought - something that is thought of later.- eftertanke

whisper - speak very softly - viska

bury - put or hide underground.- gräva ner, dölja.

sin - the breaking of a religious or moral law - synd

windmill - a building where grain is crushed into flour. väderkvarn

harelipped - having a cleft lip.- harmynt

kite - a toy consisting of a light frame with thin material stretched over it,
flown in the wind at the end of a long string. - drake

shard - a piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock, typically having sharp edges.

sapphire - a transparent precious stone.- ädelsten, safir

appendage - a thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important.

slingshot -a Y-shaped stick or piece of metal with a piece of elastic attached to the top parts, used especially by children for shooting small stones.

deny - state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of. - neka

marble a hard crystalline white stone used in architecture and sculpture -marmor

intricate- very complicated or detailed.- invecklad

chandelier - a large, decorative hanging light with branches for several light bulbs or candles.- takkrona

hemorrhage- an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel.- blödning

run off - escape from a place, person, or situation.

elope - run away secretly in order to get married.

dishonorable - bringing shame or disgrace on someone or something.

reputation - the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

Anesthesiologist- a doctor specialized in anesthesia -bedövningsläkare

Congenital (of a disease or physical abnormality) present from birth.

obstetrician - A physician or surgeon qualified to practise in childbirth. förlossningsläkare

to exaggerate Represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.- att överdriva

merchant A person or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one dealing with foreign countries or supplying goods to a particular trade. köpman/affärsman

orphanage A residential institution for the care and education of orphans. barnhem

Explain the differences between Hazara People and Pashtuns

Muntlig redovisning spanska


Vi börjar redovisa era favorit artister i grupper nu på torsdag den 21 mars 2019 och fortsätter nästa vecka.

kolla grupperna

Muntlig redovisning

Grupo 1.          

Grupo 2 
Linnea D

Grupo 3

Grupo 4

Jennifer L

Grupo 5

Grupo 6

Grupo 7

Maja H
Linnea H

fredag 15 mars 2019

English 03B: Homework for Friday week 12 (March 22)

You need to have READ chapter 3  in The Kite Runner and be ready to discuss the three questions.

EVERYONE also needs to know the following 10 WORDS  from The Kite Runner chapter 3 and be able to:

* translate them from English to Swedish and from Swedish to English
* understand their  dictionary explanations in English and match with the correct word
* put them into a gap text in the correct place. 

to exaggerate = att överdriva, to brag = att skryta, hurricane = orkan, to beg for mercy = be om nåd/förlåtelse, orphanage = barnhem, to refuse = att vägra/neka, plumber = rörmokare, main entrance = huvudentré, merchant = köpman/affärsman, pharmacy = apotek

* Those of you who are aiming for the higher grades (A or B) should
ALSO learn the following five words from chapter 3:
to dismiss someone or something = avskeda, avvisa, avfärda
apt = lämplig, träffande
descendant = ättling, avkomma
opponent = motståndare, motspelare
to be in awe of someone / to stand in awe of someone = ha djup respekt
/vördnad/fruktan för, bli imponerad av
(this is linked to the word awesome, which originally meant someone/something inspiring awe)

Good luck! Anna

tisdag 12 mars 2019

English 03B: Homework for Friday week 11 (March 15)

You need to have read chapters 1 and 2 in The Kite Runner and be ready to discuss the three questions.

You also need to know 20 words from The Kite Runner chapters 1 and 2 (understand the dictionary explanations in English +  be able to translate from English to Swedish and from Swedish to English). The words are in Classroom.

söndag 10 mars 2019

Franska 9ABC - vecka 11 & 12

Bonjour à tous,

Pas de devoir pour jeudi semaine 11 - Test Nationale de suédois.

Le devoir pour jeudi semaine 12 c'est de savoir utiliser ces quatre verbes irréguliers au présent, passé composé, imparfait et futur proche:

Sur Classroom il y a des phrases pour pratiquer.

Lundi semaine 11 vous allez corriger la critique d'Amélie et l'écrire sur Classroom.

Bon courage!/Ingela

tisdag 5 mars 2019

Franska 9 ABC - vecka 10

Bonjour mes amis,

Pour jeudi semaine 10 vous allez remplir 8 verbes irréguliers dans les listes des verbes irréguliers.
Remplissez: Les temps, le présent, le passé composé et l'imparfait

Les verbes sont:
No 8 vouloir       VOULOIR    VOULANT  VOULU   JE VEUX
No 9 mettre       METTRE       METTANT    MIS        JE METS
No 10 savoir     SAVOIR        SACHANT     SU          JE SAIS
No 11 venir      VENIR          VENANT       VENU(E)  JE VIENS
No 12 sortir     SORTIR         SORTANT     SORTI(E)   JE SORS
No 13 partir    PARTIR          PARTANT      PARTI(E)  JE PARS
No 14 devoir   DEVOIR        DEVANT        DÛ            JE DOIS

Le verbe DEVOIR n'est pas dans le livre, alors je vous donne le verbe ici:

DEVOIR - vara tvungen, måste

les temps:  DEVOIR         DEVANT          DÛ                    JE DOIS

                                          Imparfait        Passé composé     Présent
                                          je devais         j'ai dû                   je dois
                                                                                              tu dois
                                                                                              il doit
                                                                                              nous devons
                                                                                              vous devez
                                                                                              ils doivent

Pendant les cours mardi et jeudi semaine 10 vous allez écrire une critique du film "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain". Vous avez deux cours pour faire ça. Voir Classroom!

Bon courage!/Ingela

måndag 4 mars 2019