måndag 22 januari 2018

English 03C - weeks 4-7

Hello everybody,

Today I've made a list of words for your vocabulary homework for week 5. I have chosen three words   from each one of you that you had in your keynote for your book presentation. You find the words in Classroom.

During some of the lessons you will keep on working with your grammar handouts that are going to be handed in on Thursday week 7, before the winter break. REMEMBER TO CORRECT AFTER EVERY CHAPTER/PAGE. While your are working with the grammar  I will continue to talk individually to you about grades and goals.

You are also going to correct and to improve the text you wrote last term from the chapter "The Trick that Went Wrong" during week 5.

So the planning will be like this:

week 4     Work with the grammar handouts + the words for week 5 + individual grade talk
                2 book presentations
                Homework on Thursday: grammar exercises

week 5     Correct/improve your written assignment. Hand out words no 2.
                Homework on Thursday: words no 1

                Here is a link to Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/_4czbnu

                Remember to practise the sentences as well, not just the words!

week 6    Finish your corrections/improvements and hand in a corrected version of your text.
                A link to Quizlet to practise words no 2: https://quizlet.com/_4emm45
                Homework on Thursday: words no 2

week 7    Theme-week. Hand in your grammar handouts on Thursday. Corrected!

week 8    Winter break!

Do your best!/Ingela

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